With theatres closed in 2020, there was some inventive audio description online…
For the Young Vic, I worked with describer Miranda Yates on three films made with lcoal community groups: Home(body) in partnership with Thames Reach, Tapestry in partnership with Certitude, and Even at Our Age with Blackfriars Settlement.
It was also a great pleasure to take part in The Photographers Gallery ‘Slow Looking’ programme in 2020. The audio descriptions were read live at the Zoom events as a starting point for discussion, and recordings were available in the gallery and on the website (links below).
Scale models
The Audio Description Association and Vocaleyes invited me to write about the value of scale models in touch tours. You can find the Vocaleyes article, which brings together work on Jocelyn Herbert’s designs and audio description for the Young Vic, here. The ADA article is published as ADA Newsletter Supplement 8 (2021).